Legal precept
The information provided is managed by Odvetniška d ružba Petrič o.p., d.o.o. law firm, Župančičeva ulica 8, 1000 Ljubljana (hereinafter referred to as the Operator). The Operator guarantees that the data will only be processed for the purposes defined in the processing consent.
Personal information is stored for a period of 1 year or until the client’s consent is revoked. Upon fulfilment of the purpose of the processing or upon the consent withdrawal, personal data shall be deleted, destroyed, blocked or anonymized.
The client has the right to access, download, revoke consent, amend, correct, block or processing restriction, the right to object to the processing and the right to delete his or her personal data, which he may do by a written statement addressed to the Law Firm, Odevetniška pisarna Petrič op, d.o.o., Župančičeva ulica 8, 1000 Ljubljana or by a statement addressed to: info@otp .si. Revocation of consent shall not affect the lawfulness of the data processing carried out on the basis of consent until its revocation, nor shall it affect the further processing of data, the processing of which is prescribed by law. The client shall have the right to file a complaint with the supervisory authority if he or she considers that the processing of personal data violates the provisions on the protection of personal data.